
Why is Herbalife??

WHY is Herbalife??
To diversify really and truly food to absorb the different nutrition.

HBL can provide you variant That we needed to get in the different fruit and food to get the balancing nutrition.

- Try to think what we have taken for our breakfast??Always the same take our breakfast at fast food shop or didn't take any breakfast ??

- Every lunch are taken the fast food or the else that easy get around your office??

- Dinner and lunch still the same way to taken at roadside store??

- Till midnight felt hunger then just went to took some high calories food to be your supper??

- When thirsty just bought a bottle of high sugar drink?Coffee or Carbonate drink??Did the water you take are enough per day??

- Did you know how much the carbohydrate,protein,fat,vitamin,mineral, calsium have u take??is it enough or more than what u needed and wanted??

- Will you continue like this forever??

- Your weight is still on the ideal weight or over weight??


The main course of gain fat is bcoz we didn’t took the balancing nutri and took the high calories food ex fast food,burger,soft drink etc.Herbalife shapeWorks wellness management is giving us the way that healthy , safety and balancing nutrition on our diet way,HBl will give us all the nutri that our body needed and avoid us from unbalancing nutri on our diet way and make some of them get the negative result.Get our diet programme in the healthy way ,pretty body shape and cheer ur life up every day!!

From our knowledge we needed the full nutri on our dairy food,even we can get every nutri we needed in our food that’s not mean we can make it in everyday,Herbalife can !!Herbalife can replace all nutri that we needed Hbl can replace our dairy meal with balance nutrition and you wont get any side effect on our diet programme(eg.unbalancing nutrition,high calories and fat).

HBL is nutrition supplement,no matter are man.women,old man/women,kid also can take this product.


HBL expensive??when u thinking healthy is invaluable,medical treatment disease to pay with head held high cost,in that way these expense are negligible.
No matter how are nutrition supplement plan or body weight management to replace our 1 till 2 meal,junk food, supper,soft drink cost,In fact

expense are low from our imagine.Unless you can finding all the nutri at the food you taken everyday if not HBL is your best choice.

You want to start our healthy day and better life from now?or else you still needed to thinking and talk about healthy when u free?


HBL not a magic potion,but it will let u changing your life and let you get balance nutrition on your losing ,gain or maintain weight.

HBL making the whole of world knew about it and consume to get back their healthy and wellness ,their miracle and amazine testimonial was a good proven and hope us to continue sharing all about HBL.


HBL is grouping by the top science medicine consultation committee .On industry

HBL WAS the top leader of food supplement in the world!

HBL was 30years ,on sale more then

70countries,to agree to New York and the other countries legislation .HBL also is NYSE(new york stock exchange) corporation at New York.HBL also to have the number 1 worldwide in research and development and former to obtain Nobel in medical science award in special glory in the team of leader.

Time you trust or belive to having the outside food or roadside food, that’s mean you may even more trust and belive HBL!!



  • 賀寶芙能提供您什麼


  • 我們每天吃的是什麼樣的早餐呢?是一成不變的早餐店食物還是根本沒吃?
  • 每天中午吃的是排骨便當還是雞腿便當?
  • 晚餐跟中午一樣還是麵攤隨便吃吃?
  • 到了深夜再吃一份高熱量的宵夜?
  • 渴了就來罐含糖的罐裝果汁、咖啡因飲料或是碳酸飲料?我喝的水足夠嗎?
  • 我知道每一天到底吃了多少碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪、維生素和礦物質以及纖維嗎?足夠還是過量呢?
  • 我會這樣子一直吃下去嗎?
  • 我的體重過重?還是過輕?



  • 價值



  • 效果


  • 安全


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