
宿便 ~ Constipation

3-6kgs constipation in your Body!!

Constipation – The true about something horrible That you never know!



1)digestive bcame slow for modern man!
The food you eating will needed around 8-12hrs to digestive and to excrete ,discovery channel have do about this reported ,modern man compare with previous man, modern man just will digestive one tenth , previous man 8-12 hrs will digestive the food they have taken,modern man shortage cellulose,less having vegetable and fruit,so needed to using 80-120hrs to digestive.That’s mean time u went to toilet the thing have come out from your are what you have eaten on last 3 days, waste material too long deep inside your body , it will became Constipation and in the long term it became poison, and it will harm your body.

2) Everyday went to toilet not mean it’s enough!!
Don’t ever think you everyday have went to toilet then everything will be fine!this is the wrong thinking!Follow medical science news reporting no matter what fat or slim,inside theor body also have Constipation,and this Constipation will keep inside your large and small intestine .
In the normal body sure will get 3 – 6kgs Constipation ,fatty people, Constipation will got 7-11kgs Constipation inside their body.
Female please think about,if your weight is 45kgs have a nice and prefect body shape , but 6kgs is your Constipation inside your body , this is what the terrible happened!

女性朋友請想想,妳 45kg 的曼妙身材中,竟然有 6kg 的宿便占去妳的體重,這是何等可怕的事。


3 main point make you Constipation :

1. 宿便會阻礙營養吸收,也壓迫小腸絨毛的活力及彈性。

1. Constipation can blocking all the protein you have absorb, to constrict energy and flexibility of villi capillary (in the small intestine).

If Constipation to permit intestines not beautiful, whatever you have taken also even fully of nutrition your body also can’t absorb ,if didn’t went to toilet often or having Constipation, body maybe won’t absorb one fifth nutria.

2. 宿便脹氣發酵後,會經由血液致病。

2.ferment dropsical gas of Constipation,will follow our blood and became sickness.

Constipation in small intestine ,once it’s fermen ,when dropsical gas,it will change became poison and detect your blood,and go around your body and last you will get acidosis , on the same time it will be a burden to kidney , skin , liver this 3 organ.

People who Always felt tired, soles of the feet pain, felt of not enough sleeping ,this also the 1 more point became Constipation !


3. Constipation will make your body to change shape. You also won’t felt it even a lot Constipation inside your body. Constipation will prop-up your stomach, and repress internal organs,change your stomach and backbone shape, this is a main course making you fat.Some of guy ther got a bid stomach time they was 40 or 50yrs old,this is because have around 10kgs Constipation inside their body ,how they diet also cant reduce their big stomach.

3. 宿便會不知不覺讓身材變形。即使你體內有滿滿的宿便,你可能也不曾察覺。



Modern man was busy with their life,normally will get Constipation problem. For some of office lady , 100gm of waste material was out from their body perday, it was won't do direct ratio to what they have taking . Some because of pressure , will making them 2 or 3 days also can’t get the waste material out from their body.


Cellulose is the best material to clean the intestines..this is what more important.

Inside our body 70% antibiotic will protect us from sickness, if our intestines working well we got 70% chanace to avoid from sickness! Let yourself and your family start to eliminate poison and diet :


1) walking 10000 step, no need count step by step ..just walking around 1hrs that’s enough!

( lucky I have drink “ teamix “ ,no need exercise also can let my cell exercise themselves ,and metabolism waste material and poison inside my body )

(1) 每天步行10000步,需要一步一步算嗎?不用,一天就散步走一小時路就對了!


(2) 早上一起床,請喝50cc的溫開水,每天至少要喝2000cc的開水。


2) wake up early morning,please drink 500ml warm water,at least 2000ml water perday.

(drink more water it nice to your body)

3 ) 每天一定要吃五到九種蔬果,不同顏色最好.

以往要吃1把青菜就夠了,但現在需要吃下6把以上的青菜,才有足夠的營養素及纖維素!! >

3) 5 – 9type of vegetable and fruit , the best is different colour .

( But now the air was damage ,the organic of palnt was gone , before people just needed 1 potion of vegetable , but now needed 6 potion just enough for our body .)

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