
I get my health back(我找回我的健康)

Before i'm using Herbalife i trying many way many information to lose my weighti have trying before to took doctor medicine,Slimming centre(around 2 shop i try)at last i din't lose to my ideal weight but let my health more weakness.below is my health condition before i'm using Herbalife:
1)Migraine - around 6year i get this sick
2)Gastric - around 6-7 years
3)Backache - specially on rainning day or air condition room
4)constipation - 2 week 1 time toilet
5)Gout - like what i said specially on rainning day and air condition room
6)Menstrual disorder - every month i have to visit doctor

After i using Herbalife all of this sick n pain already moving out from my lifeand of coz not 1 or 2 days can make it,after i'm using Herbalife around 6-7 monthi founding that all this pain slowly disappear and now day i get back my healthy,thank you Herbalife!!


2)胃痛 - 6至7年
3)腰酸背痛 - 尤其在下雨天或冷气房
4)便秘 - 2个星期上1次厕所
5)关节炎 - 像我所说尤其在下雨天或冷气房
6)经痛 - 每个月都去看医生直从我开始Herbalife后我这些病不知不觉慢慢的离开了我我慢慢的也越来越健康,这当然不是1或2天的事我是用了整6-7个月才找回我的健康,谢谢你Herbalife!!

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